VI. Network Protocol: Commutation of Channels vs. Commutation of Packets

Tectum network protocol is a proprietary low level internet protocol based on socket connections. This means the network protocol is functioning on the hardware level.

  1. Formation of blocks

Conventional blockchain engines use mining protocols to create a block, which after creation are distributed to all nodes meaning that the same block must propagate through the entire network before it can be received and its contents utilised by the needed recipient. The fundamental disadvantage of conventional block formation protocols is that they there is constant replication and transmission of the same blocks throughout the network making them inefficient. Tectum takes a different approach, the elect node calculates the difference between each successive block and distributes the difference to subordinate master nodes, and the master nodes distribute to nominal nodes. The elect node doesn’t send the block, instead it sends a formula that allows the nodes to reconstruct the block themselves in an integer 64 range of numbers. By utilising this reconstruction formula rather than sending the block data, traffic efficiency is increased up to 8 times. This means that the proprietary network protocol sends an instruction to create the next block through the network, with an up to 8x saving in network traffic required. The reconstructed blocks are up to eight times larger on the recipient side once they are reconstructed using the proprietary formula and under Tectum each transaction has its own block.

  1. Commutation of channels

Conventional network protocols use a commutation of packets principle where every packet is sent out as an individual entity, often bouncing around through the internet until they find their intended recipient. This method is necessary amongst billions of untrusted IP addresses and requires a handshake because the sender and recipient must recognise each other before they can exchange data.

Tectum utilises the principle of commutation of channels. Commutation of channels is a low-level protocol that uses socket connections to connect recipients. A common example of commutation of channels is Wi-Fi which does not need to verify its users once connection is established for the first time.

There are two methods of distributing units of data between peers:

i. STAR method. STAR works as follows:

  1. Peer 1 sends info to peer 2

  2. Peer 2 distributes to the cluster of peers

  3. Therefore, Peer 1 does not need to communicate to the cluster directly.

ii. RING method

  1. Peer 1 connects to 2, 2 to 3, 3 to 4, 4 to 1

  2. Therefore, they connect in a circular fashion with the final peer connecting back to the first.

Tectum implements a hybrid STAR/RING approach where the elect node distributes data to the master nodes in a Ring formation, the master nodes then distribute to their respective nominal node clusters in a Star formation. Nominal node clusters connect to each other using a Ring formation. In general, the node above directs with the cluster of nodes below using the Star principle, and nodes on the same level communicate using the Ring principle. Note that: the terms elect, master and nominal in relation to network nodes are terminology associated with Tectum’s Proof-of-Utility consensus.

In summary, the proprietary Tectum network protocol is a new generation of hypernet which functions as an emulated hardwire connection and is a virtual network of commutating channels that make use of socket connections and is therefore socket connection based. As a proprietary network protocol, Tectum allows nodes to reduce the overall network load up to 8 times using its proprietary formula that allows block contents reconstruction and allows for a terminal velocity of the network to more than 1 million transactions per second.

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